HackGreenville Style Guide

Voice and Tone

The voice and tone of HackGreenville are inclusive, encouraging, and community-focused. The content aims to empower members and foster personal growth through sharing and promoting local tech opportunities. There is a strong focus on participation and contributions to the community. The language is straightforward and conversational, with an energetic tone that motivates members to "Build Stuff, Meet People, and Do Cool Things".


Background Colors

  • HEX #ffffff
  • HEX #201748
  • HEX #ffa300
  • HEX #201647
  • HEX #c0c0c0
  • HEX #f4f4f4
  • HEX #006341

Text Colors

  • HEX #222222
  • HEX #201647
  • HEX #ffffff
  • HEX #000000
  • HEX #202020
  • HEX #00704a
  • HEX #6e7272


The website uses the following font styles:

  • Lato, normal, 21px, 29px, #00704a

  • Lato, normal, 27px, 32px, #006341

  • Sans Serif, normal, 16px, 22px, #222222

Please remember that this style guide should be considered a living document. It is subject to change and should evolve as the HackGreenville brand, and its community continues to grow and evolve.

To maintain consistency, always refer to this guide when creating content for HackGreenville. If there are any uncertainties or if you're creating something that the guide doesn't cover, please seek advice from the design team or relevant decision-makers.